Saturday, 8 October 2011

Planning for production - Themes of our movies

As well as our emotional hook, something also discussed last lesson was the different themes of our film. To come to a decision about what the themes of our film were as a group we first of all looked at the emotional hook and synopsis of our film and discussed what themes can be seen from it. As well as this we looked back on our work on Burton's Genre Theory and also on Applying conventions of horror films to a trailer in order to gain a full understanding on what sort of themes to include that would be a clear and appropriate representation of not only our film but of the genre as well and on how we could go about applying these themes to our trailer.

We came to the decision that the themes of our film are:

  • Ambition vs. Disaffection
  • Revenge
  • Success vs. Failure
  • Deceit

Will this benefit you?

Yes 100%, most successful horror films and films in general do so well because of the fact they have themes in their movies that their target audience can identify with. Likewise we have done this and so have applied parts of the uses and gratification theory into our film as our target audience will be able to personally connect and identify most of our themes. Burton's Genre Theory also stresses the importance of having a clear theme in your movie as it is one of the six elements that make up a genre .

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