Friday, 7 October 2011

Planning for production - Possible location for our trailer

Yesterday in class we were given a great opportunity to go to the schools basement in order to see a possible location that we could use for our trailer. I was very impressed by the location as I feel it had all the correct elements to use for a setting of a horror movies. Not only was it the lighting very poor, it was also very isolated, dark, entrapped, looked abandoned and also was very dangerous as even I was nervous when we was taking a look around it. This would be a perfect setting as from researching Burton's Genre Theory is very clear to me that setting is a very important element of horror movies and is in fact (according to his theory) one of the six elements of movies that can define a particular genre. For these reasons I believe the use of this setting to be of high importance as it perfectly captivates and expresses the genre of our film.

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