Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Prelim Task 2: Evaluation

Compared to my first film of 'The Meeting' I feel that my second film of 'The Meeting' was a great success as I feel that we as a group were successfully able to recognize our mistakes from out previous effort and then implement changes to our second filming of 'The Meeting' to correct those mistakes. This highlights the importance of planning your scene in advance as this made the filming process a lot easier and quicker as we now knew exactly what we wanted and how we were going to do it. However our second effort could of been improved if each member of the group (including) myself remembered to bring all props and costume we were suppose to bring in as this meant we had to make last minute changes which of course was time consuming.
What was your responsibility in the filming process?
Acting, drawing half of the storyboard and writing up the new and improved script
What decisions did you have to make in this role?
How i could shorten the script whilst not taking too much out and still make it relevant to the task; how to work collectively to visualize what our scene would look like in order to storyboard and in what way I could improve my character to make him more believable.
How effectively did you carry out your responsibilities?
At first I felt as if I was doing too much and controlling what everyone was doing a bit too much, but after I realized this I felt I done very well with working with John to produce the storyboard and script, in the end only focusing on what I was suppose to be doing as agreed which produced good results.
How effectively did the team work cohesively?
At first I feel as if we wasn't really working as a team but as individuals within group, but we quickly addressed this and started working well together designating different roles to each other and working collectively on what we wanted the end product of our filming to be like and when filming as well.
What areas would you like to develop?
Use of editing skills as I feel although we used more than last time we were still very limited in the amount that we used and could of used much more.
What two areas you felt went well and consider one recommendation you would give yourself or the group to improve on this practice?

  • Planning how and in what ways we would shoot the film
  • Detail that went into characterizing our characters
  • Stick completely to the plan to avoid having to make any last minute changes

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