Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Evaluation of the Filming Process

When filming the trailer we decided as a group that the best thing to do would be to alternate roles, in order for us all to get a turn at doing everything and so learn more about that particular role we was doing. For example for the void scenes me and John took turns filming, and for the exam hall scenes Morgan and John alternated filming roles. Because we had already produce a thorough plan this wasn't a challenge, and we were all able to carry out are roles effectively and in a professional manner. Me and Morgan were also in much of the trailer, and so although switching roles, we had to rely on John for most of the filming which he done to a good standard.

Planning is precisely the reason I feel the filming process wasn't that hard of a challenge for us, because we had spent a long time planning our trailer in detail and preparing for the filming process, we were properly prepared for any challenge we would face when filming and because of that we knew exactly what we were doing. This is something I learnt in the pre-lim task when me and my group felt that are footage wasn't to a good standard, mainly because we hadn't done enough planning, something that was corrected this time round.

All in all, I feel that the filming process was a very good and enjoyable one, which was made even easier by all of the planning and research we had put into it beforehand, which I hope shines through the final project.

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